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Sorgente MedSpa and All Cape Gynecology

Lucia Cagnes, M.D.

Aesthetic Medical Spa located in Hyannis, Cape Cod, MA


Dear patients,

We are all aware of the risk of contracting an infection with coronavirus these days. The epidemic has been changing our daily routine and putting significant restrictions on what we have been able to do and changing the way we interact with other people as well as family members.

At “AllCapeGynecology/ Sorgente Medspa”, we are aware of the potential risks of being exposed to the virus and we have been taking all the necessary steps and precautions as well as implementing a strict policy in order to minimize the risk of infection.

  • We carefully screen any patient who is allowed in the office. We do not see sick people, the majority of our patients come to the office for either a screening, routine checkup or for a gynecological problem.
  • Our schedule does not allow more than two people at one time in the waiting room. Any occasional, extra patient is asked to wait in the car until called to come inside the office.
  • The office is sanitized constantly, the rooms are cleaned to a great extent after each patient.
  • Bathrooms, door handles, examining tables, chairs, counterparts are sanitized for each patient to avoid any possible exposure to the virus.
  • The use of a mask is required at all times for the patients as well as for the staff in the office.

We believe in providing the best care to our patients in a friendly and supporting environment. Please feel free to call and make your appointment for the gynecological office as well as for the Spa. We have been open all this time since we are considered essential workers. AllCapeGynecology and Sorgente Medspa staff want to wish you a safe and happy summer!

Due to COVID-19 we are temporarily modifying our office hours. The office will be open for patients Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.



About Practice

Lucia Cagnes, MD, of Sorgente MedSpa and All Cape Gynecology offers Hyannis, Massachusetts, residents a wide variety of services including weight loss solutions, Botox®, laser hair removal, tattoo removal, Juvederm®, vaginal revitalization, laser skin tightening, and dermal fillers. Dr. Cagnes is a double-trained, double board-certified OBGYN in Europe as well as in the US, and is also trained and certified in aesthetics and anti-aging medicine.

Dr. Cagnes graduated from Medical School in Italy in 1981. She completed her OBGYN residency in Italy in 1985, where she practiced until 1989. Upon getting married, she relocated to the U.S. in 1989 and became a U.S. Citizen in 1994. Dr. Cagnes completed two years of Family Practice Residency in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1994. In 1997, she completed her second residency at OBGYN in Rochester, New York. In 1997, she was awarded the position of "Clinical Instructor" at the University of Vanderbilt, Nashville, Tennessee. In 1999, Dr. Cagnes moved to beautiful Cape Cod to join the private practice of Dr. Skinner. She has been in solo practice at All Cape Gynecology since 2002. In 2010, Sorgente MedSpa was created as a trademark of All Cape Gynecology.

She is fully trained in the Japanese style of acupuncture and completed her training at Harvard Medical School in 2010. She consistently attends numerous courses and workshops in Europe and the US. She believes in continuing education and attends first hand in order to give the best care to both her gynecological and cosmetic patients.

Dr. Cagnes maintains a strong interest in minimally invasive surgical procedures and female cancer research.

Lucia Cagnes, MD, of Sorgente MedSpa and All Cape Gynecology offers Hyannis, Massachusetts, residents a wide variety of services including weight loss solutions, Botox®, laser hair removal, tattoo removal, Juvederm®, vaginal revitalization, laser skin tightening, and dermal fillers. Dr. Cagnes is a double-trained, double board-certified OBGYN in Europe as well as in the US, and is also trained and certified in aesthetics and anti-aging medicine.

Dr. Cagnes graduated from Medical School in Italy in 1981. She completed her OBGYN residency in Italy in 1985, where she practiced until 1989. Upon getting married, she relocated to the U.S. in 1989 and became a U.S. Citizen in 1994. Dr. Cagnes completed two years of Family Practice Residency in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1994. In 1997, she completed her second residency at OBGYN in Rochester, New York. In 1997, she was awarded the position of "Clinical Instructor" at the University of Vanderbilt, Nashville, Tennessee. In 1999, Dr. Cagnes moved to beautiful Cape Cod to join the private practice of Dr. Skinner. She has been in solo practice at All Cape Gynecology since 2002. In 2010, Sorgente MedSpa was created as a trademark of All Cape Gynecology.

She is fully trained in the Japanese style of acupuncture and completed her training at Harvard Medical School in 2010. She consistently attends numerous courses and workshops in Europe and the US. She believes in continuing education and attends first hand in order to give the best care to both her gynecological and cosmetic patients.

Dr. Cagnes maintains a strong interest in minimally invasive surgical procedures and female cancer research.

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We provide test for our patients.

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We have a special offer of 10% OFF on our Signature Facial!

Dr. Lucia Cagnes has created a new dermatological cream designed to provide hydration and to restore the balance of the delicate vaginal and vulvar tissue.

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Now Offering Telehealth

Gift Certificates Available

Gift Certificates are now available for $50 and higher. They must be redeemed within three months of purchase.

Insurance Information

Sorgente MedSpa and All Cape Gynecology accepts most major insurance plans. For questions about your specific coverage, please call the office.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Lending USA
United Health Care


Sorgente MedSpa and All Cape Gynecology
1330 Phinney's Lane
Hyannis, MA 02601
Phone: 508-534-9837
Fax: 508-790-1879

Office Hours

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