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Hair loss treatment at Sorgente Med Spa


Hair tinning is a common problem that many women and men experience with the aging process.


The majority of the hair loss problem is genetic and it is due to the ability of the hair follicles of producing a toxic substance, called DHT responsible for shutting down the blood circulation, dramatically decreasing the flow of nutrient and oxygen to the hair follicle.


As a result, the follicles become weaker producing a thin and short hair that does not grow.


The hair becomes brittle, dry and dull and finally falls down entering a dormant state where the follicle does not produce any hair.

The most effective way to counteract the effect of the DHT is to force the feeding blood vessels to open up again in order to improve the blood flow of oxygen and nutrient to the hair follicle.

Another way is to suppress the production of the DHT in the hair follicle.

There are several effective pharmaceutical products available over the counter or by prescription that block the effect of the DHT or the production of it.

The problem is that as soon as the treatment is interrupted the hair loss process will slowly resume.

There are other factors that will contribute or aggravate the hair loss issue.

One main factor is stress.

We have either emotional, nutritional or post-traumatic stress conditions.

It is known how an acute stress can cause a rapid hair loss.

In the presence of a strong stressor the body will selectively direct the blood supply to the important vital organs and muscles that are involved in the” flight and fight “response depriving the scalp from a normal flow of nutrients.


Other physiologic conditions such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, hormonal imbalance, a rapid weight loss, are common reasons for an increased rate of shedding that can be a transitory process or in the worst case it can transform into a permanent one.

A common reason for an accelerated hair loss is related to a nutritional deficiency or a malabsorption of nutrients from the diet.

At Sorgente Med Spa we offer counseling aimed to determine the cause of the hair loss and find solutions for the problem.

Our approach is to identify the problem with a scalp analysis and a comprehensive nutritional testing to reveal dietary imbalance, lack of nutrients, presence of toxins such as heavy metal, parasites, bacteria that might be responsible for stealing nutrients from the hair follicles.





Dr. Lucia Cagnes Dr. Cagnes is a double certified Ob/ Gyn doctor in Europe as well as in the USA. She has been in practice in the US for more than 23 years.

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