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"Pap Smears: How Accurate Are They?"

Pap smears are an essential screening tool for detecting precancerous cells on the cervix.

While they aren’t 100% foolproof, they’ve dramatically reduced cervical cancer rates by catching abnormal changes early.

Factors like sample quality, regular testing schedules, and adding HPV testing all help boost accuracy and peace of mind. The bottom line? Don’t miss your routine screenings—early detection can make a life-changing difference. If you have any questions about Pap smears or your cervical health, talk to your healthcare provider and stay proactive about your well-being!

Ready to take charge of your health? Give us a call to schedule your screening today!

Dr. Lucia Cagnes Dr. Cagnes is a double certified Ob/ Gyn doctor in Europe as well as in the USA. She has been in practice in the US for more than 23 years.

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